Vintage Sewing Room for Barb..

Barb at Dogmom Diva wanted her blog to 'showcase' her Nana's treasured vintage sewing machine.. We added some items that might have been kept in its lovely wooden cabinet, an antique dress form and a Vintage Apron pattern.. Hope you enjoy blogging from your Vintage Sewing Room, Barb, It was my pleasure working with you.. (click on image for full view)  Stop by and visit Barb at Dogmom Diva and check out some Awesome Apron Swaps.. She would love hearing from you..

1 comment:

  1. Cat, I am so enjoying my new blog did a great job with what I sent you! Everytime I see my nana's sewing machine I have sweet thoughts of her..

    thanks again!


Thanks so much for taking the time to talk with me.. I do hope you enjoyed the visit..(smiles)